Internships, labs and practice courses

Internships are one of the most qualifying innovations of the reform of the university system, as they serve to support the professionalizing profile of the degree courses of the Department of Political and Social Sciences.
The curriculum of the degree course in Political Science and International Relations includes 6 CFU for the internship.
The Department’s internship office is open to the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. For information and appointments, you can send an email to specifying which degree programme you are enrolled in.
University tutor: Prof. Vittorio Poma. The teacher is available during reception hours or by appointment, writing to

Stage activation: first verifications

Stage activation: steps for the student


1. Access the AlmaLaurea portal directly (vai al sito) or from your  Area Riservata > Tirocini e Stage >Accedi ad AlmaLaurea. Upon first access, the students must register, insert their CV and make it ‘visible’.
2.  The company compiles and uploads the training project with details of the activities to be carried out.

3. The project is reviewed and approved online by the university tutor. After a check by the Student Secretariat to assess the correctness of the procedure, the company and the student will receive the first notification email.
4. At this point, the student will have to access the AlmaLaurea platform, click on the right of the screen under MANAGE YOUR INTERNSHIPS and view the training project related to the internship you want to carry out.
5. Then, on INTERNSHIP DETAIL, you can view the period, company and status (Approved/ Not approved).
6. On the DETAIL page, the student will have to download the form, sign it and submit it for the signature of the company tutor (digital signature of the university tutor will already be present).
7. After signature, the student must upload it in the DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT section, through the ADD ATTACHMENT entry.
8. The student will have to wait for the second e-mail regarding the activation of the internship. Only after that, he/she can start the internship. Please note: before performing any activity, you must wait for the confirmation of the activation of the
internship and the beginning of the period of internship indicated in the training project: no activities carried out outside the period indicated in the training project will be recognized.
The start date of the internship must be subsequent to approval, please consider at least a week.

End of stage: papers to be submitted
At the end of your internship, you will send via DIRECT LINE (

  •  the hours recording form (download from  sezione modulistica ) completed during the internship, duly signed and stamped on each page.
  • a copy of the Assessment Questionnaire by the company tutor: the link to the questionnaire is generated and sentdirectly to the company tutor on the closing date of the internship (if the hours are over before the planned time, the company can insert an earlier termination of the internship, at least one day after this modification, to allow the questionnaire to be sent). It is not enough to fill in the form online: for the accreditation of the CFU you must save and send a copy of the completed questionnaire to the student office or send it through the service "Direct line"
  •  The Student Secretariat will proceed with the accreditation of the internship, after verification of the documents, normally within 7-15 days.

Work activity

You can apply for recognition of your work activity (including the National Civil Service) in place of the traineeship (6 ECTS)
provided that:

  • It is regulated by a specific employment contract from which the continuous and not occasional nature of theprofessional relationship is deduced;
  •  the skills acquired and exercised during work are consistent with the training path of the Course of Studies.

To apply for accreditation of the work activity you must send:

  • a signed report from the student, describing the activities and tasks performed, showing the professional skills acquired and/or developed during work, The coherence between professional experience and university training;
  •  a letter from the employer on letterhead describing the duration of the activity and the tasks assigned to the student (signed and stamped)
  •  a copy of the contract. The documentation must be sent by e-mail using the university’s e-mail account to the email

The office transmits the documents to the tutor responsible for the internships. Approval and documents are then sent to the Students' Secretariat for accreditation.

International mobility
The study experience abroad is a useful activity for enriching the professional experiences of the student. Participation in Erasmus and other international mobility projects is therefore eligible as an internship. They can be promoted by the University or by university colleges. For recognition of the internship, please refer to the Erasmus Office.


The 2021/22 alternative activities of online courses and volunteering made available following the pandemic, are no longer available for the academic year 2022/23.